Learn the Three Secrets to becoming a Profitable Forex Trader in 60 minutes!

99% of traders fail. I'll make sure you're not one of them.

Are you tired of losing money trading Forex? Do you spend hours researching strategies and reasons why yours isn't working? Maybe you're just starting your trading career and don't have a clue where to begin?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, I know how it feels – I've been where you are. That's why I've put together this webinar to help people exactly like you! I've already helped thousands of traders change their trading journey and there's no reason for you not to be one of them.

In the end, I'll show you how you can spend time with me one-on-one to discuss your trading approach.

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Meet Andrew Lockwood

Andrew is a former London pit trader from the 80's, and has managed multi-million accounts. For the last 15 years he has been trading from home, on the screens.

With over 30 years trading experience, you're in safe hands.

Meet Andrew Lockwood

How to bag huge home-run trades

We're talking hundreds of pips per trade! We're not after small fish here, you will be catching big fish that will fill your buckets and make a difference to your bottom line.

Winning setups in just 10 minutes a day

You read that right, 10 minutes a day, that's all you need. You'll have more time for all the things you want to do without the need to be glued to your screen.

Why complex strategies don't work and simple ones do

Learn a strategy that is simple yet very profitable. Forget the overly-complicated strategies - walk away with a proven and tested strategy that you can apply to your trading right away!

What am I looking for when taking a trade

Increase your chances of picking the winning trades by looking for these no-fail price action patterns.

How to predict the market turning points

Stop guessing if the market is about to reverse! Learn how to look for these powerful key areas and never get caught up on the wrong side of the trade again.

Learn the exact entry and exit rules

I am giving it all to you, no stone left unturned. By the end of the webinar, you will know exactly how to trade this powerful strategy!

I recommend you watch my webinar on your desktop if you can - this way you'll see my trading screen much clearer.